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Инна, даю отрывок из книги "Джек Рассел терьер: собака-компаньон или демон-дог"
Don & Kellie RainwaterThe History of Jack Russell Terriers
Jack Russell's are a short stocky breed originating from Britain. Today's Jack Russell's are characterized by two-tone or tri-color patterns of white, brown, and sometimes black. Modern day Jack Russell's are also much more sturdy and muscled than their ancestors.
The breed was originally known as the Fox Terrier. The breed was renamed in the late 1800's for the world renowned hunting enthusiast, Reverend John Russell. Russell was born in 1795 into a devoutly religious family that lived in the countryside of Dartmouth, England. Russell was educated at Blundell's School and would later attend Oxford University. By 1814 the nineteen year old Russell was associating with the nobles and aristocrats of England. It was at this time that the young man was invited to his first fox hunting expedition with a group that was led by the late Earl of Fortescue. Russell immediately fell in love with the sport fox hunting which would develop into a lifelong obsession. It was shortly after that the young man developed a keen interest in the breeds of dog often used by Fox hunting enthusiasts, in particular the Fox Terrier.
Russell had a passion and understanding for the breed that is still highly regarded today. In the Fox Terrier, Russell saw the potential to create the world's finest hunting dog. By 1830 Russell would establish an intensive breeding program in order to create a breed that would meet the needs of any British hunter.
It is said that while he was still at Oxford. Russell was intrigued by a female
British White Terrier named "Trump". What made Trump unique for a white terrier was that she had dark tan spots over her eyes, ears and tail. Trump was owned by a local milkman whom she accompanied on his daily rounds, door to door. When the young Russell saw the dog in the streets of Oxford on its daily route, he was immediately struck with an idea, and bought her from the milkman on the spot. Russell would soon use Trump as the foundation for his breeding program, breeding her with the standard Fox Terrier of the time in order to create a new, more distinctive coloring pattern, while still retaining the desirable traits already present in the breed.
The original Fox Terrier breed that Russell started with was much different than its modern day counterpart. In the early 1800's the breed was slender and lanky. It was taller, larger and the coloring was predominantly black, tan and reddish brown, very much resembling the fox that it hunted. One of the major issues that Reverend Russell wanted to address is that the dogs were often mistaken for the prey being hunted, and many a time was accidentally shot by their owners when involved in a fast paced chase.
After he completed his studies at Oxford, John Russell was ordained as a minister in 1819 by Dr. Pelham, Bishop of Exeter and one of the clergy favored by King George the Fourth of England himself. He started a family and lived in Swymbridge for a time before settling in Devonshire where he would spend the rest of his days preaching and breeding Fox Terriers. Reverend Russell made careful plans to start a new line of Fox Terrier that would fix the previous problems with the breed by breeding Trump, and later other British White Terriers into the Fox Terrier gene pool. In doing this Russell was careful to only introduce enough of the White Terrier's genetic stock into the Fox Terrier gene pool to differentiate it from a real Fox, but not enough to carry the many defects of the White Terrier breed onto the new Fox Terrier line...
Так что сама Трамп была Белым британским терьером - лохматым :)
Других пращуров - ж/ш фокстерьеров - я ранее упомянул.
Вот здесь можно почитать о Белых британских терьерах, что они бьли и гладкими и брокен и лохматыми - Byyf:
Если честно не совсем поняла что вы хотите сказать этой фразой... Или разъясняете структуру шерстинки или хотите сказать что брокен не может быть коротшерстным типом ....
Насчёт термина "broken" я не категоричен. Всёж-таки в большинстве источников привычно упоминание, что это некое слияние smooth и rough типов шерсти. Пусть так и остаётся. Оставим структуру и её излом, пусть будет в обиходе некоей нарушенностью - ни то, ни сё.
Единственное - брокен - не гладкошёрстная (не не короткошёрстная, это некорректно).
Девушки, это я всего одну страницу про историю породы выложил. Там их ещё восемь из той же книги. Никто не хочет, никому не интересно перевести это всё нормальным не машинным языком?
А ещё у меня есть винтажная книга про священника Джека Расселла, страниц на 400 :)