Может кому-то будет интересно (статья на английском, но там всё простенько написано :) )
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/britains-oldest-dog-daisy-dies-38 92017
Mark Barsby-Finch from Bishop's Cleeve with his dog Daisy Britain's oldest dog has died at the age of 23 and a half – over 100 in human years – after living on the same diet as her owner.
Jack Russell Daisy was a stray rescued at the age of two from a shelter in 1993 by Mark Barsby-Finch, 50, and the family pet never had to eat dog food again.
Mark said: "She was with us all these years and we'll miss her terribly.
"It's going to be difficult to get used to cooking for just the two of us now, Daisy used to have exactly what we ate."
Mark Barsby-Finch from Bishop's Cleeve with his dog Daisy She was officially recognised as the nation's most elderly pooch and died last week peacefully in her sleep at home in Bishop's Cleeve, Glos, six months from her 24th birthday
Mr Barsby-Finch had rescued the dog from Cheltenham Animal's Shelter. While still mourning the loss of his beloved pet, he said he wouldn't rule out taking in another stray.
He added: "To be able to give a rescue dog a home is very special."
Mr Barsby-Finch said Daisy's ashes will be scattered beneath her favourite tree in the back garden.
Speaking last year about the dog which was the oldest in Britain, he said: "She's definitely a very pampered pooch, but she deserves it. She's given us a lot of pleasure over the years."