Родители Цезаря:
Отец: MultiCh. Lemosa Hopes Mandrake
Show results: Wizard as a first JRT in CZ fulfiled conditions for becoming GRANDCHAMPION CZ and as a second JRT in country become INTERCHAMPION OF BEAUTY! Wizard is also AUSTRIAN CHAMPION, PL CHAMPION, H CHAMPION, SK GRANDCHAMPION, SK CHAMPION, CZ CHAMPION, CLUB CHAMPION CZ, CLUB CHAMPION SK, Landessieger Thüringen D 2009, Winner of Special terrier show 2008, Club Winner CZ 2007, Club winner SK 2007, Club Winner PL 2008, Club Winner H 2009, Danubius winner SK 2008, 18xCAC CZ, 1xres.CAC CZ, 5xCC CZ, CZ National Winner 2007, 10xCAC SK, 1xres.CAC SK, 3xCC SK, 2xCAC Ch, 7xCAC H, 1xres.CAC H, 7xCWC PL, 9xCACA A , 2xCAC LT, 4xVDH-CAC D, 1xVDH-res.CAC D, 3xKft res.CAC D, 2xKft CAC D, Slovak National Winner 2007, Beste Rüde Innsbruck 2008, 17xres.CACIB, 16xCACIB, 4xBOS, 25xBOB, 1. BIG Litoměřice CZ 2009, 2. BIG Razibórz PL 2008, 5. BIG Prague 2009, 2.TOP JRT 2007, 1. TOP JRT 2008, 2xBaby in Groups, 2xMinor in Groups, 2xPuppy in Groups, 1xJunior in Group, 1xBaby in Show,1xMinor in Show. FOX HUNTING EXAM
Мать: Jolly-Lee z Valerianu Tami
Lemosa Hopes Mandrake
Родословная Цезаря